Bat Removal Services

Professional Bat removal 

Bat exclusions, Entry point sealing and Bat entry prevention

picture of a bat in attic insulation
picture of a bat on an attic stairway

Professional BAT removal services

As summer arrives with its hot, humid weather, some homeowners may find themselves sharing their living space with unexpected guests – bats. These winged creatures often take up residence in attics, making it the most common area for bat roosting and rearing their young. The warmth of an attic provides the ideal environment for bat pups to thrive and grow rapidly. However, during scorching summer days, attics can become too hot for comfort, causing bats to seek cooler roosting places, sometimes even venturing into living quarters. In late summer, inexperienced young bats might accidentally find their way down chimneys, into attics, or even land on the ground.

Don't let bats become unwelcome tenants in your home. Take action now to safeguard your space and your peace of mind. We recommend contacting us to schedule an inspection and receive a quote for our professional and permanent bat exclusion services.

 Why Choose Us for Bat Removal?

 Expertise: Our team specializes in humane and effective bat removal techniques, ensuring both the bats and your home are handled with care.

 Safe Solutions: We prioritize the safety of your family and the environment, using methods that do not harm these valuable creatures.

 Comprehensive Services: Our approach doesn't just remove bats; it prevents their return, giving you lasting peace of mind.

 Timely Response: We understand the urgency of bat issues. Reach out to us, and we'll respond promptly to assess the situation.

 Affordable Options: Protecting your home from bats shouldn't break the bank. We offer competitive pricing for our top-quality services.

 Contact Us Today!

Don't let bats take over your home during the summer months. Reach out to us now at 508-808-8396 to schedule an inspection and quote. Let us professionally and permanently exclude these animals from your home, ensuring a peaceful and bat-free living environment.

Trust the experts at S.M Pest & Wildlife for all your bat removal needs!

Ask us about BAT BUGS! They are real! More common than you might think. Have other pest control companies told you that you have bed bugs?  Think twice and call us

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